- Make sure your hair is bone dry before you go out into the cold weather. 一定得先让你的头发干透,然后再到外面寒冷的气候中去。
- The street was bone dry and glaring white. 马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。
- This turkey is bone dry! We need to add more broth. 这个火鸡很干燥!我们需要加更多的肉汤。
- We can't grow anything in our garden. The soil is bone dry. 我们不能在院子里种东西,因为土壤太干了。
- I hung my wet swimsuit on the balcony and twenty minutes later is was bone dry. 我把湿游泳衣挂在阳台上,20分种后就干了。
- I washed my shirt this morning, and after only one hour it was already bone dry. 我今早洗了衬衣,一小时后就全干了。
- Since 1987, more than 5 million bone dry tonnes (BDT) of wood chips have been exported through Zhanjiang Harbour. 1987年以来,在湛江口岸出口桉树木片500多万绝干吨。
- The eggs were laid on bone dry ground on the top of dikes that traversed the wetlands. 蛋被生在横贯湿地的大堤顶,那里合适的筑巢材料比较少。
- The coating surface must not have the fat, the dust dirty and the loose material, the newly built wall needs fully bone dry. 需上漆的表面要无油脂、尘污和松散物质,新建的墙壁需充分干透。
- The Gold Coast and Hinterland areas have been in the grip of drought conditions as of late, 7 days before our return the boys were about to have water trucked in as the tanks were bone dry. 当最近,在我们的回返男孩前7天正要交易水,黄金海岸和腹地区域已经在干旱情况的紧握在如战车是去骨干。
- The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。
- Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我们的预算已削减到最低限度。
- Hunger had reduced the dog to skin and bone. 由于饥饿这条狗瘦成了皮包骨。
- The dog wags its tail in expectation of a bone. 那条狗摇著尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 湿衣服在太阳下很快就会干的。